

Dec 20, 2023

Letizia, disposable surgical gown and mask during her visit to a maternity hospital in Angola

New solo act of Doña Letizia with the first lady, Ana Afonso Dias Lourenço, on the trip of the State of the Kings to Angola. The agenda marked for this Wednesday, February 8, a visit to a children's hospital in the capital and a meeting of the Ngana Zanga Foundation, whose honorary president is the president's wife.

Both first ladies have greeted each other with a kiss. The tour of the Lucrécia Paim Maternity Hospital in Luanda began at 9:00 in the morning. Before entering the medical center, during the journey, Dias Lourenço gave Letizia a mask. Afterward, the Queen has changed into a blue disposable surgical gown.

The wife of Felipe VI, close and smiling, has toured with her hostess the facilities for the breast milk bank, the neonatology rooms, the area for HIV detection, the triage room and the doctor's office. They have also held a meeting with hospitalized patients and medical and health personnel from the maternity hospital. Afterwards, they attended the presentation of the "born free to shine" campaign, an initiative of Ngana Zanga.

At this event, the Queen debuted an off-white summer linen pantsuit. The jacket, fitted with a belt, has asymmetrical trim details on the pockets and flap.

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